How are CXOs shifting to maintain customer trust as they deal with the radically changing customer landscape? During this DMCNY Midweek Recharge webinar, we get answers to this important question from Michael Fisher and Mike Giambattista, coauthors of “The CXO Report: the Road to Customerization” and its deep-dive follow-up, “The CXO Report:the Road to Trust and Transparency.”
They’ll share how the CXOs they’ve interviewed are navigating the regulatory, technological, and relational challenges that comprise the new customer dynamic. And they’ll discuss the critical considerations brand leaders must now take into account as they adjust course — and strategy — to engage customers on their terms as they redefine what trust looks like.
View the full webinar today to hear Fisher and Giambattista, cofounders of TheCustomer, share unique, revelatory data on an essential topic for every marketer.