We all have something we enjoy that is atypical for our age or gender or income bracket. I drive a Mustang and love action-adventure films, for example; but the general expectation for a woman my age is to own a minivan and watch rom-coms.
Today, more than ever before, consumers are doing the unexpected. They’re not acting their age. They’re going out of stereotypical gender boundaries. They’re buying based on their interests and values; on what influences and inspires them.
That was the inspiration behind “Beyond Demographics: The Data You Need to Max Out Marketing Performance,” DMCNY’s July breakfast event at Black Barn restaurant in New York. Demographics are important, of course. But demographics alone are no longer enough to attract, engage, and convert high-potential B2B and B2C customers alike.
Today, marketers need to understand customers’ behaviors, motivations, and values. They need to understand what location data says about who customers are, not just where they are. Fortunately, it’s possible to access that insight. The four experts who presented at “Beyond Demographics” discussed the benefits of this customer knowledge. Here are their presentations.
Additionally, “Looking to Test New Customer Data Categories? Try These” provides an overview of the event.
Photo courtesy of Ken Kraetzer

David Allison, principal advisor, David Allison Inc. and author, We’re All the Same Age Now: The End of Demographic Stereotypes.

Anubhav Mehrotra, VP of product management and measurement, Live Nation

Mark Himmelsbach, founding partner, Episode Four

Jeff White, founder and CEO, Gravy Analytics